Tuesday 8 November 2011

Doctor Aaron Marshall; Metaphysical Scientist.

In my book, 'Crystal Child', one of the characters is a 'Doctor of Metaphysical Research.'
Metaphysics is a sort of new-age topic which delves into the paranormal theme and has been described, as the study of creation. A blend of scientific, philosophical and spiritual theory. The word 'metaphysical' is a combination of the latin word 'meta' which simply means beyond and the word physical. Put together, metaphysical means beyond the physical.
Most people who study this field would describe it as the search for enlightenment, the reason for humanity's existence on this earth and the belief we are not just flesh and blood creatures.
This 'new-age' era we find ourselves living in today, has been forcasted by many visionaries of the past. Nostradamus for example, was one such visionary.
The discovery of supernatural powers and paranormal events has led to much debate. In creating the character, Doctor Aaron Marshall, I have tried to establish him as a metaphysical scientist who is searching for proof of the afterlife. Does he find it? You'll have to read the book to find out!

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