Friday 2 December 2011

Paranormal Websites

The next paranormal website on the list for discussion is called Astral Test. This web takes a more scientific stance on other worldly powers. There are many different tests to try out to discover if you could possess any 'Bioenergetic Skills.' These skills cover healing, clairvoyance and psychic ability in general. I tried out a couple of the tests and one in particular showed a result claiming I have a clairvoyance rating of 34%. I wasn't really that surprised by the result as I have had quite a few paranormal happenings in my life!
My family all know of my unusual hobby and strange dreams. But I have never really trained in clairvoyance, preferring instead to investigate the subject and over the years have gathered quite a bit of knowledge.
The website quotes a 70% determining rate of being able to evaluate your capacity for 'Bioenergetic Skills.' Wooh, that was a mouthful! But that's the way they display it. These skills would be paranormal ones to us who are less scientific.
The tests are based on scientific facts, the website says. They also state the need to take the test seriously and answer the questions honestly, even though they may seem irrelevant.
I did wonder at some of the questions asked, but then there's probably a reason for the obscurity, meaning you don't know which answer is the right one!
Anyway, it was very enlightening and they don't publish your results so privacy is protected.
One of my questions was 'One of these men is a serial killer, which one?' And I picked one just by the look in his eyes, they were so cold and menacing, but I'll never know if he was the right one!
I'll leave you to ponder that one and look forwarded to testing the next paranormal website.

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