There are so many aspects to the Paranormal arena which makes it difficult to know what's .. what!
The information here is an introduction to the meanings behind paranormal beliefs.
What is Spirit:
Spirit is the belief in the non-physical part of our being. Some would call this soul. Dictionary definition of spirit states the meaning is that of a vital force characterizing humanity. Many believe the spirit continues to exist after physical death and that our time here on earth is a learning platform for furthering our knowledge of creation. In Christianity spirit is called Holy Spirit.
Astral plane is the name given to the dwelling place of the spirit. Not a physical place as such but a higher frequency or world.
Astral projection is when the inner spirit leaves the body to travel to the astral plane. It is said the body remains alive but unconscious while astral travel takes place. Usually this is done within a deep sleep. The traveller returns to the body again. There are some who claim to possess this ability.
Another ability likened to astral travel is (OBE) out of body experience. This entails the the spirit leaving the body too, but without travelling to the astral plane. Again the spirit returns to the body.
Traditionally spirituality was affiliated only with religious organizations. Now it has come to cover a more broader sense of the word. Those without any religious affiliations also see themselves as spiritual. Most hold the belief in a higher universal power without following any organised religions. To followers spirit suggests belief of the non-physical part of human beings which continues to exist after the death of the physical body.
Those who practice spiritualism on the other hand do have some form of organisation. While they do not impose a set of stringent beliefs upon their members they do have churches, each one individually run by those members. Those followers also believe in an after-life and a spiritual plane where the spirits of the dead reside. Each spiritualist church has one thing in common and that is contact of the dead through the deliverence of messages through mediumship.
Universal Consciousness:
is another terminology denoting a different meaning to the spiritual, as are the terms supreme or one mind. Those that adhere to this form of after-life existence believe the individual mind returns home to the greater mind after physical death. The supreme or one mind could be likened to the belief in the one God in religion. Those that follow this theology believe in the existence of a higher self, apart from the physical.
Paranormal or Supernatural:
Paranormal and supernatural are terms used to describe the unknown. But what is the difference? Dictionary definition of paranormal states it means inability to explain or understand using scientific knowledge. Definition of supernatural means relating to or attributed to phenomena that cannot be explained by natural laws. So in effect there is little difference.
In common usage however, the two words are used to describe differing elements. Paranormal has replaced supernatural in many spheres of the unknown in our more enlightened society. Supernatural has come to mean the tag being used when describing vampires, ware-wolves or events of fantasy that hold no real belief system. While paranormal is used to describe events from the world of spirit and all that is connected to it which do hold a belief system. And from these beliefs there has grown an encyclopaedic database of terminology and linking fields.
Psychic Abilities:
The word psychic originates from ancient Greek and means 'of the mind.' The power to perceive. Used in the collective psychic means paranormal powers. In the singular it means someone who has a paranormal power. There are many differing psychic powers. ESP (extra sensory perception)is a heading under which all psychic powers fall, which has also been called 'Our sixth sense.' Both terms mean the aquiring of information by paranormal means. Mediums, telepaths and clairvoyants among others would possess ESP powers. The following is a list of those powers and their uses.
Astral Projection and OBE:
Astral projection and OBE (Out of Body Experience) are similar in that the spirit leaves the body temporarily. The difference between the two is that astral projection is when the spirit leaves and visits the astral plane, whereas in an OBE the spirit does not. The Astral Plane is where the spirit dwells. More like in a higher frequency than in an actual physical place. Some have been able to describe their visit upon return.
An OBE experience has been described as a sensation of floating outside one's own physical body. Akin to OBE is NDE (Near Death Experience.) This type of OBE has been recorded by those who have faced imminent death. An example of this would be when a patient dies on the operating table and is then revived again. They are able to recall their experience of looking down upon their own bodies and even what others in the room were doing at the time of death.
Is to receive messages from a spirit guide. Usually this would be a teaching spirit. Mediums are channelling when they are in contact with spirit. Mediumship is the communication of spirits through mediums. There are three kinds of mediumship.
1.Mental mediumship: takes the form of connection to the medium through hearing or seeing spirit.
2.Trance mediumship: In this the spirit uses the mind of the medium to pass on information by influencing their thoughts. The medium is aware of the thoughts put into their mind.
3.Spirit possession: In this the spirit takes over the body of the medium, who enters a trance, to communicate with another. In this type the medium is unaware of what happens although they have given permission for their bodies to be used and return to normal after the event.
Another form of spirit contact with a medium is Automatic Writing.This is when a spirit leads the hand of a medium and communicates through writing messages or even drawing. The medium is usually aware of this but sometimes can go into a trance state.
Forms of communication through a medium:
Most people will have heard of Clairvoyance: which is the ability to see spirits. But there are other senses used in detecting, like Clairaudience: the ability to hear spirits. The others are Clairsentience: the power to sense. To be able to sense a spirit's presence.
Clairsentinence: means to feel a spirit presence. Clairalience: believe it or not, is to smell a presence! Clairgustance: to taste, probably a weird taste sensation.
Claircognizance: a sense of knowing. A deep instinctive knowledge of the spiritual.
Another form of ESP., precognition is the ability to know of future events in advance of their happening. Predicting the future or foretelling is a psychic power. It has also been called Second Sight.
Prophetic dreaming would fall under this catagory. Although Foretelling isn't always a psychic power as it can be learned in the form of Astrology or Palmistry.
is the power to transfer thoughts from one person to another. The ability to read anothers mind.
To be able to move objects through the power of the mind or thought.
is the ability to extract information from an item belonging to another person, or the history of an object just by holding and touching it.